Friday, June 12, 2015

Weekend Reads...

So this weekend is the last weekend before Disney!!!
This weekend I plan to read a few books. I'm currently reading Reign by Chanda Hahn. This is the fourth book in the Unfortunate Fairytale series and I have really been enjoying this series so far.

I have also picked up Dead Ice by Laurell K. Hamilton. This is my guilty pleasure, I know a lot of people have strong feelings about Mrs. Hamilton but I do enjoy her Anita Blake series. The only complaint I might have is the level of the writing has gone down over the course of the series and I believe that might be due to having deadlines and different editors. But it is what it is and thats why I read it.

I know that I am going to fly through those two books so I am also going to try to read The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. I'm in general a messy person so I have been looking for ways to get this life of mine in order.

What are you guys reading this weekend?

Monday, June 1, 2015

Different Kinds of Reviews

So lately I have been reading a lot of self improvement books. I reviewed one of those books, The Richest Man in Babylon, a while back and I was impressed enough that I decided to write a review of that book. Self improvement books encompass a lot of area and not everyone is interested in reading that type of Nonfiction.
Personally this year I have been reading about money/finance, tidying/life clutter removal, and test prep. I'm thinking about going back to school so the test prep books are important. I have found some really great reads that I have been thinking about reviewing but I am unsure if you guys want to hear about these books?

So are you guys interested in hearing about self improvement books? What are some good books that you have read here lately?

P.S. Thanks for sticking around during the break, I have been getting prepared for the summer and we are about to take a first trip to Disney!!!!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Weekend Reads

My first free in weekend in a while. This weekend I plan to work on my TBR pile. The book I am going to attempt to read the weekend is The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey.

I am a little concerned that I might not get through this book because it has been in my ibooks for a while and I just haven't hd a chance to get into it.
I think that I am also going through a reading slump which is probably a result of the schedule that I have been keeping over the last couple of weeks.

So what are you guys reading this weekend?

Monday, May 11, 2015

End of Graduation Season

Today marks the end of my graduation season travels. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
Im going to try and get back to posting three times a week. You guys try to hold my to it.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Weekend Reads

One graduation down, one more to go. This weekend reading will be light. Im going to try to read one book to be reviewed next week. So look out for that book review on Wednesday.

Have a great weekend, Congrats to all the Graduates, and Happy Reading!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Book Review: Color Blind

Color Blind by Michelle Lindo-Rice is the first contemporary Christian novel that I have read. Loosely based on the story of Saul and the Prophet Ananias. The Story follows Saul Sweeterman, owner of a chain of auto dealerships. Sauls' daughter leaves home to marry an African-American man and Saul disowns her. A few years go by and Saul sees his daughter and her family on the street. In minutes a large truck is about to slam into them killing them all. Saul makes the decision to steer his vehicle into the path of the truck and save their family. Unfortunately not everyone was saved. His daughters husband was killed and Saul lost his vision. 

During his recuperation Saul is introduced to Annie, An African-American Physcial therapist, who doesn't allow him to sink into depression and works at bringing him to Christ. 

Overall this was a very good read. I was not aware that this was a Christian novel because it was not marketed as such, more as a romance. There were definitely strong romantic elements that are able to shine through because of the lack of sexual scenes. I throughly enjoyed this book.

I would rate this book 4/5 stars.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Weekend Reads

It is officially the start of Graduation Season. I have two cousins graduating from high school and I also have one graduating from College.... Awesome right!
Along with the family I have two friends that are graduating college as well, one with her Masters degree and the other with her second Bachelors degree. I think I can officially say that my friends are better than yours ( or maybe not).

So that being said I won't be doing a weekend reads this weekend because I will be driving all over the place to attend the first round of graduations.

Do you guys have anyone graduating and since I can't read this weekend what are you guys reading?

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Book review: Dead Heat

Dead Heat by Patricia Briggs is the newest installment in the Alpha and Omega series. I love Patricia Briggs and by far my favorite series is the Mercy Thompson series that is also in this universe with Mercy being the foster child of Charles' father Bran.

I like the concept of the Spin off from Mercy but I am beginning to believe that Ms. Briggs is just not as in love with this storyline and evidenced by the writing.

Dead Heat opens with Charles and Anna having a conversation about the possibility of having a baby and other options for them to conceive like surrogacy. We then take a wild ride where Charles goes to visit and old friend and buy Anna a horse for her birthday. A fae targets the family of Charles' friend and he and Anna must find and stop the fae before it kidnaps the children.

Now here comes the Spoiler!!!!!!!!!

At no point during the course of the book do they talk about having kids again, although Anna does think about it when she catches glimpses of Charles interacting with the children. Then at the end of the book Charles tells her he would be ok with Adoption!!!!
Don't get me wrong... I have nothing against adoption and even thought it might be an option at the beginning of the book though they didn't discuss it. Then I thought they might run into an orphan were-child and adoption would come up then. But to bring adoption up at the end of the book with no supporting writing anywhere in the book just felt like Charles was copping out and left me with very mixed feelings.
All of the Alpha and Omega books feel rushed to me, you have all this intricate descriptions of horses and the stables and the landscape, but only spare about 2 paragraphs to tie up loose ends at the end of the book, instead of fleshing them out correctly.

Overall I gave this book 3/5, and that is only because the main storyline was concluded and left room for building of the series without leaving the reader wanting from this book. I will say it could have been better and I hope she doesn't let this carry over into the Mercy Thompson novels.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Goodreads Book Goals

So I started out 2015 with a goal of 50 books to read for the year. I choose this goal for myself because while I read extremely fast I also get burnt out easily and will go weeks without picking up a book to read.
Unfortunately this is what happened after I was laid up with the flu, but I'm back reading and writing about what I have read.

Not everything that I read gets a review so surprisingly I am over halfway through with my Goodreads goal for the year and I think I need to revisit the number.

What do you guys think I need to change my goal to? 100? 150? 200...books?

Let me know what your books goals are for the year and how close are you to completing them before the first half of the year is almost done?

Friday, April 24, 2015

Weekend Reads

This weekend I will be traveling to attend a Baby shower but I do intend to get some reading done.

This weeks weekend reads are:

Dead Heat By Patricia Briggs

This is the latest installment of the Alpha and Omega Series by Patricia Briggs and I just want to say that I dislike this cover only because it makes Charles look evil and Anna look blind. But we will see how it turns out. I will be reviewing this book later.

Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

I really loved Eleanor and Park, and I'm hoping to get those feelings back that I had from that book. I hope Rainbow Rowell doesn't let me down.

And if there is still time I might try to fit in another book, But I think this is all that I am going to have time for this weekend. I'm already cheating because I started reading Attachments awhile back and just haven't gotten around to finishing the book.

What are you guys reading this weekend?

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Book Review: Stormwalker

Stormwalker by Allyson James follows Janet Begay a young lady of Navajo descent who has been running away from her home and legacy. Janet is a Stormwalker, a being with strong earth magic that she inherited from her grandmother. She also carries within her very strong Beneath magic that she inherited from her mother whom she had never met until recently. Janet sits down in a diner and a young women sits down with her and claims to be her mother, or rather the carrier of the essence that is her mother. 
Janet learns that her mother has been using young women to seek out men to father a child that will ultimately be able to free her from Beneath. All the events in this book lead up to a grand show down between Janet and her mother.
Along for the ride was the god Coyote of the Navajo, Mick Burns a dragon who Janet has fallen in love with, and Nash Jones the Sheriff who possess a strange magical power of his own.

I really liked this book which is no surprise because I am a fan of paranormal urban fiction. I would give this book 4/5 stars because the author intimates that Janet is in search of herself and her place in the world but she continually allows others to tell her what to do and make her decisions for her. Overall a very good read and I would recommend it highly.

What have you guys been reading good lately? I need suggestions for good books.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Book Review: Love Edy

Love Edy by Shewanda Pugh is the story of an African American girl and an Indian boy who are raised together by their intellectual parents. Now in high school Edy realizes that she is in love with her best friend but she knows that they can't be because he has been promised in an arranged marriage. Now they are trapped by Culture and the wishes of parents who don't understand their own children.

I really liked this book. The concept of arranged marriage is not one that I have seen explored in books with the slant of one party being raised in the U.S. and the differences in cultures that are explored here. We also find the teens dealing with typical clique drama at school and with being ignored at home by parents who are more concerned with their careers. Shewanda Pugh has also written a sequel to this book titled Bittersweet and it is definitely on my must read list because Love Edy ended with a cliffhanger.

I gave this book 3/5 because the progression and character building was a little slow and was the majority of this book. I would recommend it as a read because the ending draws you in.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Weekend Reads

So Im trying to get back into the swing of things since I have been sick so this weekend reads will probably only be one book. Hardwired by Meredith Wild was recommend as a saucy read so I think I will give it a try this weekend.
My nephew just recently turned five and tonight we will be going to see the animated movie Home. We normally do not go to the movies but its his birthday so we are going all out.
What are you guys doing this weekend and what are you reading?

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Book Review: Jinn and Juice

Born in ancient Persia, Leila turned to her house Jinni, Kouros, for help escaping an arranged marriage. Kouros did make it impossible for her to marry—by cursing Leila to live a thousand years as a Jinni herself.

If she can remain unBound, Leila's curse will soon be over. But Ozan Sawyer, a Magi with the ability to See, Call, and Bind jinn has other plans. 
Oz needs Leila to help him penetrate Pittsburgh's steel-soaked magic, a juice potent but poisonous to supernatural creatures, in order to find a missing girl with her own mysterious connection to Kouros. Unfortunately for Leila, becoming Bound to Oz may risk more than just her chance to be human once more—it could risk her very soul...

Jinn and Juice is the first in a new series by fantasy writer, Nicole Peeler, set in a world of immortal curses, powerful jinni and belly dancing.

I really enjoyed this book. Jinn and Juice was the first book that I have read by Nicole Peeler. I say was because immediately after reading this book I read the entire Jane True Series.... Marathon reading session. I felt that Lelia was the perfect mix of normal and supernatural and I believe that is the key to her being able to access the node on Pittsburgh. My only had two peeves with this book. One was the fact that Leila was constantly two steps behind the plot and only because the twist were slightly obvious. For a being that has been alive a thousand years and has been constantly ducking Magi to keep from being bound she was entirely too clueless. Secondly Leila and Oz develop this rule of no relationship while Bound. While not problematic for the author us readers will find it very problematic going forward.
Overall I gave the book 4/5 stars and would definitely recommend it as a good rainy day read. 
Let me know if you guys read this book and comment below if you have read the Jane True Series.

P.S. Someone must be talking about my little corner of the blogosphere because my post got a lot of views while I was sick. Thanks guys for the Love!

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Sorry there hasn't been much activity around here. I have had the flu. Hopefully I will be able to get back to reading and reviewing next week. Thanks for your consideration.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Weekend Reads

Yay for the weekend. This is my off weekend so I will be reading a series. The Jane True Series by Nicole Peeler is whats on deck for the weekend.

Tempest Rising, Tempest Legacy, and Tracking the Tempest

 These are the first 3 book in the series and if I get through these I will finish the rest of the series.

What are you guys reading this weekend?

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Book Review: Curse Unbroken

So here we go back into the Weird Girl World, and boy am I excited. This novel mark the last book in the Celia Wird story line and you know I have been wanted to hear more from the other sisters for a while. Especially Em but the next sister to get some time will be Taran and I think that she is in a good place in the story line to become the main character. In Curse Unbroken we find the supernatural community in search of a stone with a mind of its own. This stone grants wishes and everyone is trying to get their hands on it before the bad guys do and they want the wishes for themselves. That is everyone but Celia.

I really liked that Celia did not believe that the stone, Shah, was a tool to be used. Because the stone had obtained a sentient thought pattern and just wanted to be treated with respect. This is important these days because as humans we forget that everyone and everything is deserving of respect. When we forget that we end up not getting all that we could get from being respectful.

Overall I gave this book a 5/5. Cecy Robson reminded me what I liked about this series and neatly fixed the dilemmas in Celia's storyline and created the bases for the continuation of the Weird Girls series and Taran's story in specifically.

Definitely a great read, Let me know if you have read this book and what you thought about the end of Celia's Story.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Book Review: Screwdrivered

Vivian Franklin is a Software designer with a penchant for reading Romance novels. What makes her different is the odd assortment of tattoos and piercings. Viv is kinda floating not really knowing what she wants to do with her life, but hoping that a Bad Boy Mr. Right will come thundering in to sweep her off her feet before her mother finds an Accountant for her to marry.

So when I phone call comes in the middle of the night to inform her that she has inherited a seaside cottage, Viv decides she has just been sweeped up in a romance novel plot complete with a Cowboy bad boy.
Alice Clayton has taken a departure from my favorite characters, Simon and Caroline, but not too far because Viv is one of Simon's friends from high school.

The whole romance story plot line was a little annoying, only because I felt like Viv was smarter than she was being portrayed. I gave this book 4/5 only because I didn't like that aspect of the plot.

If you can't tell I have been reading a lot of short, quick reads. What have you guys been reading lately?

Friday, March 6, 2015

Weekend Reads

So Im going to try to start posting the books I plan to read over the weekend. Some of these books are ARC's so they aren't out yet and some are books that I just haven't gotten around to reading.

So Attachments is a book that I started a while back and walked away from so I plan to finish it this weekend. I like Rainbow Rowell so this really isn't a hardship.

I like Cassandra Clare and I have heard good things about Holly Black so I thought I would give this book a try.

This book is an ARC and won't be released for a while but I will be doing a review on this book.Not sure about the other two books but at least one should end up with a review.

So Happy Weekend reading, What are you guys reading this weekend?

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Book Review: Rusty Nailed

Rusty Nailed by Alice Clayton is the continuation of Simon and Caroline's story. Caroline is left in charge of the shop while her boss is away on her honeymoon. She also got the chance to house sit in in the burbs with the hillelevator.

This particular novel allowed me to revisit my favorite characters from Wallbanger. I had really hoped to see an engagement or marriage in this installment, but that was not to be.
Caroline is struggling with the same issues most women in their late 20s early 30s deal with, advancement in their career, marriage, and thoughts of children.

I definitely enjoyed this novel but I would have liked to see a little more advancement in Simon and Caroline's story line, but I definitely don't think that this is the last that we will be seeing of them in this series.

I want a Wedding I tell ya!

Overall I gave this book 4/5 stars, and Alice Clayton still has a fan. I will be reading Screwdrivered shortly and will be providing a review.

Hope you guys have had a Happy Reading Week.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Book Review: Wallbanger

So off the top I really thought this book was going to be an erotica selection. I mean come on look at that cover!
The person that recommended this book to me did so after a discussion about reading 50 Shades of Grey (which I tried but really, really didn't like so I immediately DNF'd the entire series). So I went into this book with the expectation of Sex, Sex, and more Sex. 

Boy was I pleasantly surprised!

Wallbanger by Alice Clayton wow'ed me. This book would be best called a romantic comedy. I spent so much time amused and outright laughing that I know the people who were around me while I was reading this book probably thought I was losing my mind. 
Caroline had reached a point in her life where she is tired of dating and has found that place that I think all women should visit in their lives where they are completely comfortable with their own company. Dining out alone, taking trips solo, and enjoying solo activities without the need for companionship. Feeling upwardly mobile she moves into her boss's old apartment which is any single girls dream. Only to find out that her neighbor is a gigolo with a Harem of women that he entertains. And the worst part? 
They share a bedroom wall.
What ensues is hilarity! 
I would definitely recommend this book to anyone looking for a light, funny read that will definitely have you laughing out loud! This book gets 5/5 stars because it was definitely unexpected but in a very good way. I just couldn't put the book down. I finished this book in one day and Alice Clayton has been added to my author watch list. I will definitely be reading more of what she has to write.

Have you read a book that was totally not what you thought it was going to be or had a friend recommend a really good read that you wouldn't otherwise have read?

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Book Review: The Richest Man in Babylon

Sorry I haven't been around in a awhile. But life and this book interceded. The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason was written in the 20s but has very good principles that apply not only in ancient Babylon, but the 1920's, and today. Part of my resolution for this year was to eliminate my consumer debt and start thinking differently about money. One of the key concepts in this book are described as the Seven Cures and the Five Laws of Gold.

This infographic from accurately breaks down the general rules that are outlined in the book. I would definitely suggest the reading of this book to anyone who is looking to learn how to manage their on finances. The Parables taught in this book make the break down and usage of your salary seem highly simple.

Definitely a 4/5 star read for me. The only negative I have is the copy I read contained a study guide that broke up the flow of the book. Otherwise the book itself was excellent.

Have you guys read any financial books that have taught you some life lessons?

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Book Review: Marrying the Marine by Sabrina Sims McAfee

"Criminal Investigator Braylon Wexler has arrived in Hilton Head Island to dutifully serve his country on Paris Island Military base. As soon as he arrives the calm he's been longing for is pleasantly shattered by the tantalizing stormy presence of Sandella Summers. She is an unexpected surprise that stirs a hot longing in him, like a hot poker through blazing coals.

Sandella Summers is perfectly happy with baking her pies, her life is simple and pleasing, just the way she likes it. But her contentment is interrupted by the appearance of Braylon Wexler, a seductive and arrogant Marine, not her typical choice in a man.

Sandella holds a secret to her heart, slowing Braylon down in his quest to win her over. But Braylon excites Sandella in ways she never thought possible. Braylon is a man of honor and he’s determined to not only to win her heart, but bring her family to closure of a deeply rooted conflict.

As danger and menace ensue the two lovers, can they make peace with the past and truly let love heal? Will Braylon risk his heart and his life to get everything he wants?"

So it has been awhile since I have read a romance novel and I was pleasantly surprised by this one. In Marrying the Marine Braylon and Sandella fall in love in secret while she is taking care of his Uncle Royce who has Downs syndrome. Sandella's father Kane is against all Marines because it is rumored that a Marine killed his wife, Sandella's mother. Kane is fanatical in his hate for Marines and even buys Sandella a gun to kill any marine that might try to harm her. Braylon vows to Kane that he will leave Sandella alone and not date her until he find the person who killed her mother.

After many twist and turns Braylon finds the killer and he and Sandella are able to resume their relationship with the blessing of her family. Unfortunately something, or should I say someone, from Braylons past comes and throws another monkey wrench in their relationship.

Overall this was an excellent read, and very quick at 243 pages. I read this book on breaks at work and during my daily reading hour at home. It was great to read about romance conquering all and reading a stand alone book instead of the series that I have been reading so far. The book is part of a series but is only tied to the others through the theme of marriage, there may also be some cameos but I haven' t read any of those books.
I gave this book 4/5 stars and that was only because of the predictable elements that are kind of the hallmarks of most romance novels. A great read that I would recommend for a day at the beach or at the spa.

Have you guys read any romance novels lately, if so what are they?

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Book review: Tainted Blood

" After surviving a vampire assassin (not to mention an awkward affair with a hot FBI agent that ended worse than she could have imagined), witch/vampire hybrid Nina Martinez is reunited with the full Blood Ops team in Providence, Rhode Island. Her Aunt Babe is tutoring her in all things witchcraft, and her vampire partner Frankie is enjoying the benefits of daywalking, courtesy of a demon spell.
When a segment of the Rhode Island vampire population is marked for death by a tainted blood supply, Nina and her team race to find Patient Zero before the local vampire population is wiped out. But when a demon infestation threatens to take control of the city, Nina must join forces with newly elected mayor- and closet demon- Ami Bertrand before the city falls into ruin"

I received a copy of Tainted Blood in exchange for an honest review from Netgalley. I really dislike not reading a series from the beginning so I obtained a copy of Hell's Belle so my reading and my review would be in context for the series. Tainted Blood is the second book in the Hell's Belle series. 
Nina the main character and witch/vampire hybrid is out with her partner Frankie, a 700 year old vampire, when they come across a group of Vampires, called Beta Vampire because or their small fangs which makes it impossible for them to feed off human donors, who are sick with a disease that Frankie hasn't seen in a number of years. The sickness causes the Vamps to regurgitate blood and then explode. The tainted blood is deadly to any vampire that comes in contact with it, including Nina. Nina is also called upon by Mayor Bertrand to babysit her cousin, Matty, who is a rock star and Beta vampire. Matty's band has experienced strange riots and behaviors from the fans after the concerts. 

I really enjoyed the concept of a vampire/witch hybrid and found myself rooting for Nina to figure out how to balance the two sides of her nature. There is also a small love triangle between Nina, Frankie, and FBI agent Max. The reason I say small is because Nina and Max had a hot moment that really didn't go anywhere. So as you can tell I am definitely Team Frankie and I hope that they get their time. 

Overall I would recommend this book for a read. I gave this book 3/5 stars and my reasons for this are all the loose ends in this book. Without giving spoilers some of the elements were thrown in and made no real sense to the overall plot line of the story. I hope they are addressed later in the series but based on my reading from the first book in the series I don't feel like that is going to happen. Its definitely a series that I will continue reading and I can see an improvement in the writing between the two books. So I have high hopes for the rest of the series.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Book Review: Edged Blade by J.C. Daniels

OMG.... I was waiting for this book to be released having devoured the previous books in the series over one long weekend last year. So when I was granted the opportunity to review this book in exchange for an honest review on Netgalley I jumped at the chance. I quickly moved this book to the top of my TBR pile and begin reading it as soon as I finished the Immortals of Meluha. I plan to continue reading the books in that trilogy but I just could not wait or control myself, I had to know what was happening to Kit. I love a strong female lead and J.C. Daniels found the right mix of strong and venerable to make Kit really pop.

In this installment we find Kit working again as a private investigator and delivery person for the supernatural world in East Orlando. In the last book in this series Kit was trying to overcome her personal demons and phobias about Vampires that were brought on by events that occurred in the second book of this series. In this book Kit finds herself interacting with a number of vampires in different situations which illustrates that she is indeed working to free herself from the fears that she is harboring.

Justin, Kit's Ex-boyfriend and male independent witch, comes and ask for her help to solve the mystery behind the disappearance of several members of the supernatural community. Early in the book we find them completing a search and rescue mission that leaves them with more questions than  answer. Namely, Who is kidnapping supernaturals?, Are they connected the "Hospital"?, and Why these particular individuals?

I loved this book, especially with the surprise cliff hanger at the end!!!! Mind Blown with that one. But there were some things I was disappointed with this book. First Kit didn't seem to progress much in this book, especially compared with the last book which was all progression for our female lead. This book also introduced a lot of loose ends that weren't explained well, nor expounded on in a way that made me think they would become important in later installments. Im still waiting for the ousting of the crazy wolf alpha that Kit encountered in book two, and in this book another alpha comes on the scene and seems to challenge Kit specifically but we don't see this character much in the story line.
Also different in this installment is we aren't left with a definitive conclusion to the problem i.e. all those questions that I mentioned earlier were not answered. Hopefully the next installment is not long in coming because I didn't feel this installment was enough to tide me over for this series for more than six months much less a year.

Overall the action and plot twist definitely kept me interested and I do look forward to hearing more from the Colbana files. I am giving this book 3.5 out of five stars only because the book didn't not have a definitive ending and seemed kinda rushed to me. Would have been a solid 4/5 had the plot of this book come to a conclusion. A 5/5 would have needed more development for Kit's character and more interaction and discovery about Doyles' past and heritage. Definitely a good read but I have a feeling if you were to skip this book and pick up the next book in the series, when it is released, you wouldn't be missing much and that is kind of a shame.

This book is scheduled to be released on 2/3/2015.

As always comment below if you have read the other books in this series or if you pick this one up let me know if you liked it or not below.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Book Review: The Immortals Of Meluha

I wandered into the public library the other day to renew my membership because they have made some changes to their system that rendered my current library card unusable. I also haven't been to the library in a few years due to time constraints and accessability of ebooks. But I was interested  in the new features that the library has to offer such as ebook check out through Overdrive, streaming movies and independant films, and magazine subscriptions throuh Zinio. So after renewing my membership I decided to look around and see if there were any books that caught my interest and I came across this book "The Immortals of Meluha" written by Amish Tripathi.

The Immortals of Meluha is the first book in the Shiva Trilogy, a work of fiction that delves into the history and eventual rise of the Indian God Shiva. Because of my very limited knowledge of Indian culture or religion I cannot speak to the accuracy of the depiction of Lord Shiva in this book but it stands as a good read for the uninformed.

The story opens with Shiva debating on whether to move his clan to the kingdom of the Meluha to escape the constant battles with neighboring clans for land and resources. They move and discover that this adopted country is inhabited by people who live to be over 200 years old! Along with their health and longevity they have developed a way of life that eliminates poverty and everyone is cared for and afforded the chance to elevate themselves from their birth station through education.
Shiva soon finds out the real reason his clan was invited to immigrate to Meluha was to find the prophesied Neelkanth, or Savior. Shiva finds himself fulfilling this prophecy and tries to understand his place and path in this new society.

My problems with this story are the decisions Shiva makes once he moves to Meluha. In the beginning of the story Shiva is tired of fighting and decides to move his clan to get away from the constant fighting only to end up in a country set on going to war. Not once does Shiva think "hey" this isn't what I signed up for.

Overall an interesting read and I would rate this book about 3.5/5 stars. Not unhappy with this random library rental.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!!!

We made it.

As the clock struck midnight on New Years Eve I began thinking about my reading goals for the New Year. Hey what else was I supposed to do I was at work. This year I am setting a Goodreads goal. I haven't done this in the past and hope that I can complete this goal by the end of the year.

My Goodreads goal for 2015 is 50 books. I know that doesn't seem like a lot but I have never counted the books that I read during a year. So this year is just about counting.

I am also debating on purchasing a kindle. I have the kindle app on my Ipad and Iphone but I think I want a dedicated kindle without any tablet features.

So my non book related resolution for the year is to get out of debt . I need some freedom from payments.

What are you resolutions for this year. Are you making a goodreads goal this year? Did you guys have a good Holiday Season?

I look forward to this year and reading and reviewing with you guys.
